Showing posts with label fourth of july. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fourth of july. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 6

Fourth of July recap + a DIY!

A belated "Happy Independence Day!" to you all!

Its good to be back from a couple days spent away from the computer but I'd be lying if I said I did not also enjoy some quite time at home with Ben and the pup. We started off big the Saturday before the fourth by going to the Indianapolis Zoo but little by little we snuck away and just enjoyed being in our little corner of the world.

I also finally finished up a DIY project I had hoped to put up before this weekend but better later than never! And because America is always in style (especially in the summer, right?) I'm keeping this one up for a little while longer.

To make my Fourth of July door decor I took a few particularly American swatches of fabric and sewed them together, making two sets of the red/stars and stripes combo.

I then sprayed the sewn fabric with fabric stiffener so that it would hold a fold nicely. After the fabric dried (you can microwave smaller pieces for quicker results!) I took each half and made 1 inch accordion folds.

I tacked the inner ends of each piece together with a needle and thread and then fan both pieces out to make half circles. Pin the sides together then sew the finishing seams once you have lined your stripes up. From there I just sewed on a bow and hook to hang it with and I was done!

And there you have it! How did everyone enjoy their Fourth of July?
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