This picture was featured in the Canton, Ohio newspaper shortly after my Abuela and her siblings, Tia Bina and Tio Manuel, arrived to the U.S. The article highlighted their tragic journey from their home of Gijon, Spain where their revolutionist father was murdered for his anti-fascist ideals. Their mother, my Abuelita Luz along with her children, were taken to an internment camp in France where they lived in conditions that almost lead to their death until a ship was sent to France by the American Red Cross. This ship was meant to rescue the children of Spain from such terrible tragedies and somehow, my Abuelita Luz got her children on that ship. She stayed behind and lived in France until her death many years later.
My Abuela and siblings were taken to an orphanage in New York City and then eventually to Canton, Ohio where they grew up with their aunt and uncle. My Abuela still volunteers for the Red Cross to this day.
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