Yesterday my dad logged another year in life! I couldn't ask for a better father, teacher, and role model. He has always taught my sister and I to take on life with a healthy dose of equal parts opportunity, curiosity, love, and humor.
As we grew up, he always made sure that we felt like we were loved beyond measure and to this day he has never given up a chance to hug us or tell us he loves us every time we see hm. He has always made sure to try to understand everything about us that made us his "girls" but never let the fact that we were female stop him from sharing things with us that he liked growing up or thought were cool. For instance, while we had many barbies, he made sure we had a stocked-up Nerf weaponry arsenal. He got us an Easy Bake Oven but also made sure that we had the Dr. Dreadful and Creepy Crawler oven as well.
My dad has supported us in anything we were willing to take on. I remember when I was in college and told him I was going to switch majors to broadcast journalism. All he said was, "I know you can do it and if it makes you happy, that's what you should do....Just swear to me you'll never work for FOX News".
What lucky girls we are to have such a wonderful Dad!
So here's to you, Daddy and thank you for everything. Looking forward to the next year with you:)!
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